In 2009, a middle-aged British shopkeeper named Richard Thorns dropped everything in his life to search for a duck with a head the color of Pepto-Bismol. He had never seen this duck before – except in a book – and its land of origin was thousands of miles away in Southeast Asia. Despite that, he sold his flat, said goodbye to his loved ones, and has spent the subsequent decade devoting himself to a species that may not be alive at all. The pink-headed duck is considered by many to be extinct.


love letters to a dead duck, Pepto-Bismol® Original Liquid, Pepto-Bismol® Chewable Tablets, rice paper, paraffin wax, tempered glass, walnut, and methyl salicylate. 2020
love letters to a dead duck, Detail. 2020
love letters to a dead duck, Detail. 2020
love letters to a dead duck, Detail. 2020
love letters to a dead duck, Detail. 2020
love letters to a dead duck, Detail. 2020