
Concept | I have keenly become aware of the power of electronic devices that we use every day, and concerned with the mess of wires entangled we are often dealing with and the danger they hold.
Contemporarily these tangled wires, brought back the memory of a factory I visited years earlier in China. I am concerned about the unsustainable practices of the fashion industry and I predict that the fashion industry will inevitably be “tangled” with the dangers of pollution specifically with electricity. My collection asks the questions “what can we do with these devices once when they’re thrown out?” Wear them.


Bio | Boowon Kim is an artist and designer who has been exploring the potential and from her earliest memory, focusing on technical design and material construction in Korea. She came to SAIC to develop her work and her practice through experimental and conceptual explorations of a wide range and unconventional materials and strategies. She uses knitting, tapestry, weaving, felting, dyeing, and found or discarded materials for fabric manipulations, and pattern making and draping to make unique silhouette. Through the observation of seasons within nature, the cycle of natural elements, and recycling of man-made detritus, she creates strong conceptual garments through collections.


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