“Elapsed Aura”

Concept | Time passed by, many people are just passengers in your lives. And the things that happened on you, some just be forget, others are remained in your mind as the precious memory. For me to think who am I, what shaped me, is not the really huge changes happened on me, but the little sparking things, maybe you just ignored that at that time. Like a piece of cake in your childhood, the sunshine on the grass in the specific day, the night walk with my friend, a snow fight with my family, and so on. But, as time pass by, you can not believe that it is the many small moments that make you to be the unique one. I think all this precious moment are the elapsed aura for me.

Bio | Meiru Cai is an artist born in China. She completed the Bachelor of environment engineering in Beijing Technology and Business University in 2016. And then, she came to SAIC, trying to combine the technic with art and design. She work with fashion design, painting, ceramics, photography, and performance to explore interpersonal relationship, psychology, and other topics based on human.

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