“Sojourn Sisters”

Concept | My collection is inspired by photographs of my parents motorcycle trip through route 66 and growing up on the back of a Harley. My collection explores a fictional women’s motorcycle club called, “Sojourn Sisters”. They are fierce women who have the burning desire to travel and live on the road. The garments in this collection have the power to unveil and reveal the unique personalities of each woman through fabric manipulations, leather treatments and the motifs of the club’s symbols on the fabrics.


Bio | Savanna grew up in rural Indiana, her work explores the whimsy of dreams and the places that stand out as somewhere extraordinary. She is interested in the performative aspects of fashion and pushing the idea of what is acceptable everyday wear. Through storytelling and performing, she invites people to engage with garments and to forget about function and to investigate the fun. Savanna will graduate from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in May 2018, with a degree in Fashion Design.


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