“Never Know”
My thesis collection Never Know originates from my concerns about the future. I present the future as an installation of visual objects, and focus on creating a biographical puzzle of the future. Life is a puzzle and we never know what the next puzzle pieces of life will be. Recycled fashion magazines and U-Haul boxes are cut into jigsaw puzzle pieces and create an interactive but jumbling background for five wearable garments. The garments are constructed from pattern pieces that are puzzle shapes. The fashion magazines speak to my intention to continue to pursue fashion. The U-Haul boxes represent the possibility of another transition in my future, since it is unclear where I will be.
The exhibition will be an interactive labyrinth made with these materials so viewers will enjoy exploring the environment through touching, seeing, hearing, and smelling the work. The whole concept of the collection grew from anxiety; however, the entire atmosphere of it is rather optimistic and joyful, because I am intent on enjoying the journey of finding a path in my life. While my thesis collection grew out of my personal anxiety, it applies to our current global situation as well, COVID-19, rendering the future uncertain for everyone. I hope that Never Know will resonate with all who experience it and that anyone who is concerned about uncertainty of life, future, or industry can find the exhibition relevant.