Margaux Laibe

Maux is a collection and brand that is driven by the need for functional and accessible clothing in the fashion industry. Throughout this collection you can see themes inspired by 60s fashion, complementing and contrasting colors, and strong lines that emphasize the body’s curves. You can also see construction components that are unique to different body types, such as changing the placement of a seam, altering the height of the waistline, or changing how you put the garment on. These design and construction ideas are from my own experiences with clothing and countless conversations I have had with others about fashion. These ideas have changed how I choose the placement of closures and it makes me think about how comfortable I can make a garment. Throughout each look there are unique closures, seams, and pockets. Most of these functional construction elements are hidden in order to create garments that are aesthetically pleasing to a larger audience. We should bring the industry together with common interests between consumers. For example most people I know, when they have a dress on and receive a compliment, the first thing they say in response is “thank you it has pockets!” Pockets in all clothing benefits everyone whether they have a disability or not.
Maux is a brand that is driven by trying to solve functional issues within garments while simultaneously maintaining a pleasing and fun aesthetic. I want the audience to feel more comfortable, confident, and less isolated. I want to show that our bodies do not need to be altered to fit standard clothing. Rather, we should alter the standard to fit our bodies. Just because there has been a standard way of making clothing doesn’t mean it is the right way.