Born in a small farm town in Michigan and now living in Chicago, Victoria is a hard working and passionate artist attending the School of Art Institute of Chicago for her BFA in Animation. She is currently working on a short film called, A Glimmer of Hope about a show boding Flamingo in a floridian trailer park trying to woo a “non-responsive” love interest. Will his lover’s “plasticity” get in the way of their romance? A Glimmer of Hope will be premiering at the Gene Siskel Film Center Animation Film Festival in Chicago, IL in May 2017. This pre-feature animated short is just one of many projects in the works that harken to her love of laughter, magic, and adventure.

A commercial for Daily Planet Productions, a digital hand drawn animation.
A digital hand drawn animation exploring my childhood dreams.
The second scene from a screenplay I wrote about a prince in hiding. This is the scene in which he meets his wife to be for the first time. A hand drawn animatic.
My very first short film. Hand drawn digital animation.
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