Keny De La Peña

Master of Fine Arts in Studio, Performance

Keny De La Peña is a Los Angeles raised interdisciplinary artist. He uses visual and choreographic practices to create spaces where the fragility of history comes into contact with the subjunctive, or the world of the imagined. Through this, exploring the tensions between popular culture, folklore, and myth.

Tal vez vengo del mito, de la memoria vaga Que ronda a través de labios, cuerpos y cristales.
Anacrónico o quizás a destiempo,
fuera de tiempo, afuera del tiempo Amalgamación carnosa de él.

Perhaps I come from myth, from a wandering memory
that courses through lips, bodies, and shards. Anachronistic or perhaps untimely
Out of time, outside of time
Incarnate amalgamation of it.