
Master of Fine Arts in Studio, Printmedia

Lilliana Reinoso works within printmaking and sculpture to analyze the relationship between colonialism, fascism, and their legacies in contemporary institutions and culture.

As a student panelist at the Mid America Print Council’s 2022 conference, she introduced her practice as an investigation of the shortcomings of the current restitution debate and advocated for restitution that abandoned the state-centric model currently at the center of discussions of cultural patrimony. She was awarded Best in Show at London’s Gallery NAT exhibition Spiel Allein for her performance [Unfired] Melting Pot. In June 2023, she was Artist in Residence at Galleria No Lugar in Quito, Ecuador where she completed and exhibited Jaja son huaqueria, the culmination of research into the state’s approach to acquisition and preservation of cultural patrimony.

She currently explores the life of ‘artifacts’ and other aspects of cultural patrimony within and beyond the museum in her final year as a MFA candidate at School of the Art Institute of Chicago.