Rob Croll

Master of Fine Arts in Studio, Photography

Rob Croll (b. 1993; Asheville, NC) is a multimedia artist whose work combines image, text, and sound to examine the construction and manipulation of meaning. Croll holds a BA from Amherst College, where he was a Post-Baccalaureate Fellow and the coordinator of the Arts at Amherst Initiative. At SAIC, he co-organizes the Parlor Room visiting artist lecture series and was recently awarded the James Weinstein Memorial Fellowship.

Alongside his artistic practice, Croll has worked extensively as a Spanish–English literary translator and editor; his publications include the three volumes of Ricardo Piglia’s The Diaries of Emilio Renzi as well as works by Hebe Uhart, Javier Sinay, and Gustavo Roldán. He has also occasionally worked as a musician and chef.