Siobhán An Jie Russell Wood

Master of Fine Arts in Studio, Sculpture

Siobhan An Jie Russell Wood is a photographer, sculptor, plus-sized model, ex-fashion assistant, video maker, and poet. Her multi-disciplinary studio practice is informed by these experiences. She works in a highly mediated collaged process that mimics the way information is thrown at us and only some of it sticks. Siobhan reckons with her daily insertions into foreign social and racial contexts. Her bloodline is a product of displacement because of British and Dutch Colonial rule in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand. She looks into her imperialist trade histories to examine the commodified ‘Other’ and representations of diaspora ‘culture’ within Western society and media. Her work is a material rendering of cultural abstraction, the scar tissue of diaspora. An ongoing study and appropriation of the process of ‘cultural abstraction’ that she believes her own mixed ethnicity/class body has been through.