Artist StatementChristina is a multi-media, Chicago-based artist who is interested in exploring how narratives live in minds, bodies, and social interactions. She believes these stories can be held, expressed, replicated, and challenged by an artistic practice. Christina most often uses knitting, writing, and painting to examine how her identity as a white, able-bodied, female, triplet impacts how she constructs her own self-image, how she understands institutionalized systems, and how she behaves in daily interactions with others.
Narrative Patterns 5 This baby blanket provided curiosity. The baby grew up and wanted to learn how to make a knit blanket for other babies. Three other babies have received blankets because of that curiosity.
Narrative Patterns 4 These miniature baby blankets are an example of the impact an on-going artistic practice can have. Their creation helped the artist process the death of her first patient, an avid knitter of baby blankets, while working as an art therapy intern in hospice. Each new stitch is a part of the knitter's legacy.
Narrative Patterns 3 This baby blanket provided a sense of connection. When the mother was isolated at the hospital, this blanket from a stranger reminded her that she was not alone.
Narrative Patterns 2 This baby blanket provided memories and was used by the baby’s siblings as the family continued to multiply. It is featured in many many many childhood photos.
Narrative Patterns 1 This baby blanket provided the parents with a sense of normalcy after their infant passed away unexpectedly. It has been carefully preserved because it holds the memory of the one time the parents held their child before saying goodbye.