This presentation features the work of students completing the Post-Baccalaureate Studio Certificate. Artists include: Jose R Aponte Bernardy, Angela Byun, Susan M B Chen, Jaye TC Cho, Cui Decheng, Liza Jo Eilers, Xujun Han, Sahand H. Afshar, Blake Pierre, Beverly Keefer, Shoora Majedian, Edward Oh, Freddy Ruiz, Sage, Christine Turner, Irene Wassner, E.R. Saba.
The exhibition is coordinated by the Department of Exhibitions and Exhibition Studies; Dean of Graduate Studies, Arnold Kemp; Adjunct Professor Susan Kraut; with special thanks to Graduate Curatorial Assistants, Neil Patrick O’Malley and Giannella Ysasi Tavano, and Exhibition Manager Josh Fairbanks.
The exhibition is on view to the public from Sunday, May 13 through Monday, May 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., on floors 15, 16, and 17 of MacLean Center, 112 S. Michigan Avenue.
Join us for the opening public reception on Saturday, May 12 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.