I am splitting a second,
To create a dimension only for you.
For you to look at yourself.
Do you fear yourself?
I can see you in the debris.
I can hear you are talking to yourself.
Do you fear me?
I am here to give your stronger power.
You are not alone.
Split a Second is a gradient mirror inspired by the fragility of glass. It visualizes the action of a sphere passing through a sheet of glass. Two objects originally separated come together through this action.
10″ x 6″ x 9″, mirrored glass and black lead-crystal

Master of Design in Designed Objects, 2017
Stella Shen’s designed objects are always communicating to viewers with stories. Shen is motivated specifically to encourage new lifestyle for each object and viewer. Shen brings the serious social, and anthropic issues into functional everyday objects that compel viewers to meditate on objects as well as the viewers to meditate on their own personal interaction with materials and forms. Shen particularly interested in observing and exploring the movement of a society that depends on technological development. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Design Emphasis on Industrial Design from Arizona State University.