My constant travel through different places reshapes my value and appearance all the time. So I want to be more yellow, green, red and blue, adopting some of all the places I travel through.
A durable paper cardcase that references the shape of a wad of money, colored with different patterns from banknotes around the world.
Printed stone paper and thread
4.25” W X 3.5” H X 0.75” thick / 10.8cm W X 8.9cm H X 1.9cm thick

MFA: Designed Objects, 2014
Carlos Ortega is a Mexican designer and cofounder of Iguana 4 Studio, a sustainable studio firm based in Mexico City. He believes everyone and everything is interconnected and design is the tool that allows building those connections. Empathy is the main core of his design philosophy as he observes, evaluates, and lives the problem in order to fully understand it and provide a distinctive solution.