An additive color discovery tool.
Children are increasingly aware of the relevance of color in everyday interfaces. Today, introducing youth to Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) as an additive color model is just as important as teaching ROYGBIV (red orange yellow green violet indigo blue). Argeebee is a color matching game that introduces children to the RGB color model. The objective of the game is to match a random-generated color by manipulating the red, green, and blue values of the opposing side.
3.5” x 3” x 3”
cardboard, acrylic, Arduino, electronic components

Miguel Perez (BFA 2014) is a Chicago native who is using technology to create social interactions through public installations. Born in Chicago and raised in Mexico, his cultural transitions have influenced him to reflect upon the ideas of communities, technologies, design, and architecture. Miguel Perez is the creator of the Little Village Air Quality Initiative, Activated Storefronts Initiative, and the Mote-O-Bike air quality sensing collective.