The Subjective Landscape: Works by Alfred Guzzetti

Thursday, April 1, 2004, 8pm

Alfred Guzzetti in person!

From Shanghai to Calcutta to his own backyard, the cinema of Alfred Guzzetti finds the exotic in the commonplace and a meditative beauty in the ever-changing modern landscape.  Well known as a co-director of feature length documentaries, including Pictures From a Revolution and Family Portrait Sittings, Guzzetti has also created powerful short-format works, as featured in this program. The calming single-take Sky Piece (1978) is glaringly offset by the assaulting rhythms of The Tower of Industrial Life (2000), where the unconscious fear of distant violence intrudes upon the landscape of daily experience. Images of China, rain and lightning combine in the Under the Rain (1997) while A Tropical Story (1999), “gives a lesson on thinking of something while being far away from it and seeing other things entirely.”

A landscape of trees changes subtly over time in Chronological Order (1985), while a threatening storm, a bicyclist, and the moon in the trees create a quiet drama in Down From the Mountains (2002).   The news of the day permeates a ten-minute slide of an Indian street corner in Calcutta Intersection (2003).  Also showing, a work in progress, History of the Sea (Charissa King). 1978—2004, Alfred Guzzetti, USA, ca. 82 min, various formats.