Saul Levine: Notes from the Underground

Thursday, March 8, 2007, 6pm | Saul Levine in person!

Saul Levine, New Left Note (1968-83). Image courtesy of the artist.
Saul Levine, New Left Note (1968-83). Image courtesy of the artist.

“Saul Levine is the foremost dissenting filmmaker in America,” writes critic P. Adams Sitney. “With about thirty-five years of consistent production behind him, and no signs of fatigue, he can show us the shape of a life passionately and uncompromisingly devoted to filmmaking. His works are high-energy messages of friendship, records of sexual love and political activism, radiated by humor, prophetic anger, loneliness and even though rarely, representing repose.” Tonight, the small-gauge master and SAIC alum presents beautifully restored 16mm blow-ups of a selection of his intimate and incendiary 8mm “notes”: Note To Pati (1969); Note To Colleen (1974); New Left Note (1968-83); The Big Stick/An Old Reel (1967-73); and Note To Poli (1982-83). Co-presented with the Experimental Film Club at the University of Chicago, which will screen another selection of Levine’s work on Friday, March 9. 1968-83, Saul Levine, US, ca. 90 min, 16mm.