It’s George, CATE’s program assistant here. I’m so excited to share our Fall 2014 line up! We have some incredible practitioners from all over the globe, representing so many varied practices.
Some of my favorites include the British filmmaking legend John Smith and his deadpan absurdity; Carlos Motta for his poetic investigations of non-Western Queer histories; and the program The X-Ray of Civilization, an exploration of downtown NYC during a time of plague.

We’re also hosting Chinese artist Cao Fei, French filmmaker Mati Diop, award-winning Chicago maker Jennifer Reeder, and mischievous media maker and curator Andrew Lampert, in addition to a program on the late Chicago video maker and visionary Anda Korsts. Check out the entire season here.
This season is utterly multifaceted, yet totally complimentary. So come shelter yourself from the dark nights – be that just for an evening or the entire season – at the Gene Siskel Film Center. CATE kicks off Thursday, September 18.