Thursday, March 17 | Join us to welcome dirty new media performance artist shawné michaelain holloway for a screening and discussion!

In the last four years, Paris-based dirty new media performance artist shawné michaelain holloway has established herself as one of the most significant voices online. Her rhizomatic projects explore intimacy, power dynamics, and the technologies that mediate them, taking shape as serialized live Internet broadcasts, video art uploaded to pornographic platforms, GIFs, and electronic music. She returns to Chicago to debut a series of works that examines the role and socio-political implications of video and text (or “slow-media”) in meaningful intimate encounters, self-care, and instruction-based performance.
2015–16, France, multiple formats, ca 60 min + discussion
shawné michaelain holloway (Chicago, IL) is a dirty new media performance artist living in Paris, France. Her work explores the “real life” cultural and economic implications of performing identity for online social networking sites. Her projects and performances are exhibited internationally. She also is a participating curator at festivals and conferences including reFreg Festival (Paris) and 2012 (Chicago). She received her BFA from SAIC in 2013.