Fall 2020 Season Recap

For our Fall 2020 program, we brought together a group of artists and scholars including Alison O’Daniel (10/1), American Artist (10/8), Delinda Collier (10/15), Ursula Biemann (10/22), Auriea and Michaël Samyn (10/28). 

These vibrant conversations and related screenings took place in the Gene Siskel Film Center’s virtual cinema. We’re grateful for our presenting partners, including SAIC’s Video Data Bank and the  Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago.

Thank you for joining us!

Alison O’Daniel, still from The Tuba Thieves, 2013 – ongoing. Image courtesy of the artist.
American Artist, Blue Life Seminar, 2019. Courtesy of the artist
Delinda Collier, Media Primitivism (Duke 2020)
Ursula Biemann and Paulo Tavares, Forest Law, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and SAIC’s Video Data Bank
Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn, The Endless Forest, 2005-ongoing. Courtesy of the artists