As a teenager, I struggled to cope with my difference. I found solace in playing and making, using creativity as an escape. Today, as an artist, I channel the power I found in play and use it to create sculpture. My work has been described as humorous, playful and seductive. It is bold, large and makes use of commodity objects dating from the 1980s to current times. At first sight, the types of objects I use look quite common. Books, garments and toys are just some of the items I use. To me, they all share an artificial quality. They perpetuate ideas of normality, which never encapsulated who I am. Through assemblage, modification and repetition, my work makes these so-called normal objects perverse. As an artist, my goal is to blow up the boundaries normality and transports the viewer to a place where perversion is epic and triumphant.

Oops!, 2016, found object sculpture
Little People - The Posse, 2015, sculpture
Baby Steps, 2015, found object sculpture
The Power of Love, 2015, found object sculpture
Meltdown (still image), 2014, video performance