Agriculture is failing. It is not producing enough food for the projected growing population, and it also hurting the environment. Stratified Agriculture in a Smart State is a new methodology to follow that implements strata across a state, in an effort to reconfigure both urban and rural districts to accommodate for expected food shortages and global warming. The thesis proposes a three part system of a methodology, a connection in cultivation (the ag-tech corridor), and an interaction (the Damen Silos research center) to further agricultural development and allow people to interact with their food.

Artist Statement

Taylor arrived to this thesis after studying architecture at Ball State University in her undergraduate career and before that living a life of interaction with architecture, nature, and farm life as she observed her grandfather farming in the northern Chicago suburbs. She designs with a hope for the betterment of the community and for a better impact upon and connection with nature.

Macro to Micro | An impact from state to city to neighborhood to site