Concept |

Chinese Character “Jin” in Xiaozhuan form is the basic structure of my design. Chinese Character as pictograph and ideogram has based its meaning in its shape. Every Chinese Character has a unique shape and all shapes are relevant to its meaning. Certain index and cultural icon extends in imagination with an honest depiction of the specific indicated social or natural phenomenon. The design brings history back to life embracing the ancient Chinese wisdom and ideal where these characters were first created as drawings. The design is not only a visual satisfaction but a living cultural icon introducing a new way to perceive the entire world and an perspective to understand human cognition system before meaning is even created.


Bio |

Used to be a philosophy undergraduate in Fudan and transform to art school, I realise there are certain misunderstandings towards China. The observation, the conclusion and eventually the stereotype of China are all based on one certain ideology within several predominant concepts. I will break down the ideology by bringing real symbol epitomises Chinese cultural system, real Chinese metaphor encapsulates Chinese philosophy and one of the greatest art form in China – Chinese Character to you.

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