Bonnie Xiaowen Bao

The look I made at Multi-level Machine Knitwear class is part of my project Hooded. The theme is to establish a connection between myself and my ethnic group, the Mongolians. I sought to find the roots of my emotional connection to my heritage and determine the traces it left on me.
In the creative process, I used the silhouettes of traditional Mongolian clothing, combining two or three pattern pieces and draping them together to create new forms. These new silhouette cannot be traced back to the traditional Mongolian costumes, just as my experiences have made it impossible for me to become a traditional Mongolian living in the grassland. I used machine knitting and hand crochet to showcase every piece of traditional Mongolian patterns, resulting in a look that merges my experiences and my state of being into the creative process. I also incorporated laser cut along with unconventional material duralar.