Care and Respect for the Figure Model Employee


Welcome the Model
Figure Models are visiting artists in the classroom. Faculty and TAs should greet the Figure Model when they arrive and review what the plan is for the day.  It is meaningful to introduce the model by name to the class before the session begins.

Any classroom at SAIC is a protected space while a nude Figure Model is in session. Photography of ANY kind (camera or mobile device), by any student, staff, TA, or faculty, is strictly prohibited. This rule includes all classroom documentation photography, online class participation, and visitation by auditors and accreditation personnel. This includes photography during model breaks in the classroom and while the model is posing.  If students need to take progress photos of their work they should take the work into the hallway to document.  We ask that everyone restrict their use of mobile phones in the classroom for professional reasons and for the comfort of the Figure Model.  Please do not ask the Figure Model if it is ok to take photographs of them, we do not permit this. Violation of this policy will be brought to the attention of the Associate Director of Media & Instructional Resources.

Faculty MUST be present during nude modeling sessions.
If a faculty is absent from class the TA or graduate student cannot act as a substitute for a nude modeling session.  If a TA-A is acting as a substitute for a course a clothed model session is permissible.

Provide a clean and sanitized space that has adequate warmth before the model begins posing.
The model is allowed to wait until the faculty or TA covers the model platform with a fresh piece of craft paper and positions a functional heater nearby.  The model changing area should also have fresh craft paper placed on the floor. Provide padding whenever possible. Models will not be expected to lie on the floor. 

Provide regular breaks for the model.
The models may time themselves or be timed by the faculty or TA. Please decide before class begins. 5 minutes rest is allowed after each 25 minutes of posing. At the mid-point in each 3-hour session a 10-15 minute break should always be given. For full day classes a one-hour lunch period is allowed after the first 3 hours of class.

Respect the model physically and verbally.
Never touch a model. Do not inappropriately question a model about their personal life, make lewd or derogatory comments about a model’s appearance, threaten a model with word or deed. All of these actions are considered violations of the SAIC rules of conduct and may result in disciplinary procedures against the offender.

Close the door to the classroom while the model is nude.
Keep the door closed while the model is dressing and undressing before and after breaks. While the model is engaged in nude modeling the faculty or TA should be present in the classroom. The presence of an authority figure ensures that appropriate conduct is maintained at all times and that the door is monitored to stop unauthorized visitors from disrupting class. 

No visitors in the classroom while the model is posing nude.
A visitor is defined as any person who is not the faculty, TA or a student in the class. Visitors include: other faculty, students from other classes, friends of students or faculty, administration personnel, accreditation personnel and tour groups. Visitors may only observe the models in clothed poses unless they schedule a special visit in advance with the class sponsoring department. All special visits must be registered in advance with the model coordinator so that any models can be notified.