“Me and the Abyss Looking at Each Other”

Inspired by the quotation “When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you” by Nietzeche, I want to discuss about the tension between one’s ego and the “Others”, and how they can influence each other. I want to provide an unusual visual experience to let the viewers feel the tension and perhaps think about some questions, such as, what I am looking at, which role I play in this period of time, what is the abyss, and so on.

Content page of an artist's book named "Abyss", 2017, paper and prints
Content page of an artist's book named "Abyss", 2017, paper and prints
Content page of an artist's book named "Abyss", 2017, paper and prints
Content page of an artist's book named "Abyss", 2017, paper and prints
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