The process of identifying the instability transforms the anxiety into ecstasy. Instability, a state of perception in which one seems to be more than oneself, and more than one place at the same time, I believe, is a fundamental element of my works and myself. The sense of instability becomes increasingly visible because of the drastic revolution of technology. The media of my works are spread out on various platforms (animation, game, procedural programming, VR, installation, and etc. ). Through different approaches, my works dedicate to get better insights of the inner logic of the instability from a broader view.

Surfaces Evaporation (temp), 2018, Animation
Surfaces Evaporation (temp), 2018, Animation
Two Gundara People’s Connecting Conversation/Gundara 二人の繋がる話, 2017, Mixed media installation
//$( document ).ready(function() { // $(".active a.dropdown").after("
"); //});