Adjusting lighting, 2020, plastic and LED, Rhino 3D model
After people entered the electric age, the lamp has become an indispensable part of people's lives. We turn on the lights not only at night, but also during the day. For us, different lights are suitable for different places at different times. In essence, what we need is not different lamps, but different lights. Our daily contact is with lamps most. From the beginning of school days, the lamp on our desks has been an essential item. And other wall lamps or droplights of all sorts can replace the desk lamp. Lighting used at different times indoors. The difference in the type of light people need is basically the range of light they need. In the daytime, the light should be bright enough to illuminate our working area. During the night, what people need is light that doesn't glare that much. The concept behind the collection is to adjust the luminous range. In this way, users can change the lighting range according to their own needs. Different needs can be met in different environments or at different times.