Anna Johnson

Master of Fine Arts in Studio, Performance

Anna Johnson’s practice spans and blurs the boundaries of performance art, musical composition, immersive installation, moving image, and social organizing. She engages spiritual, material and interpersonal energy in order to initiate processes of embodiment and exchange. Through improvisational music and movement practices as well as the creation of site-responsive environments, her work renders emotional and psychological landscapes that prioritize presence and somatic experiencing. She aims to resist toxic modes of production that are rooted in historically dominant power structures and to instead open holistic, transformative ways of being and relating. Anna’s current work navigates the membrane- and tension- between her position as an individual and that of the surrounding collective body of human and nonhuman life.

Anna’s work has appeared at spaces including Links Hall, Roman Susan Gallery, Companion Cooperative, the Cedar Cultural Center, Red Eye Theater, and Open Eye Figure Theatre. She performs solo music under the name Ovovi.