Acceptance, 2022, Hand-dyed handwoven cotton, 50 x 100 in.
Acceptance is a weaving I lost control over during the making process. This piece marks the start of a new and different path in my work, one where I begin accepting the things that I don’t necessarily have full control over. I recently accepted that I have ADHD, despite being diagnosed with it several years prior. Accepting the diagnosis recently opened my eyes to a completely different perspective of my life, and suddenly, everything had even more clarity. I no longer viewed the diagnosis as having something wrong with me or being a flaw or imperfection but decided to try to understand and love myself for who I am. Acceptance was coincidentally created during that same time of realization and self-acceptance, so it is a significant piece to my personal journey. The weaving did not turn out the way I expected at all, and I was initially displeased, but rather than discarding the piece as I would have done in the past, I was able to view it as a completely new work and be open to adjusting my set expectations.