My practice explores ephemeral and transcendental possibilities via a concise disruption and manipulation of existing spaces, frameworks, and systems. As Brechtian subversions of contextually associated everyday objects and systemic roles found within given shared environments, the work involves object-based ​interventions, performative actions, institutional mediations, and is, more often than not, a combination of these elements. Pointing to truths found within the equivocal and disturbing presumed permanence are foundational goals. The novelty and uncanny nature of these situations, and the vulnerability asked from viewers aligns their attention with the present and reveals circumstantial actualities.

Born in Puerto Rico (1986), Misael graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors Degree in Art History from Florida Atlantic University (2008). Beyond their public artworks which they have shown extensively for many years, Misael has exhibited at MCA Chicago, Open Engagement 2015, the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami, and Material Art Fair in Mexico.

Flood Relief, November 8-12, 2017, Museum Park, Miami, FL

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