Tseng thinks of painting as decoding her life onto canvas.
At the beginning of a painting, Tseng starts with few colors, spray paints or flashes on canvas.
Playing with the paints and mediums: whipping, adding, flipping.
In other words, she puts chaos on blank canvas at the beginning.
Then she sits back and look, finding lights from colors interacting with one another.
Brushstrokes become wind and force.
Forms become animals and my friends.
Images come and go.
She waits for the subconscious impulse to add on, erase, flip again.
She trusts her subconscious decisions while constructing a painting.
She trusts her conscious decisions to deconstruct a painting.
She is fighting for the balance between her conscious critical self and subconscious impulsive action.
She is finding the moment when painting itself surprises her, instead of her trying to surprise the viewers or herself.

Black Moor, Spring/ Sun/ Winter/ Dread/ Everything Everything
Cold Summer Night, Ugly 1, Ugly 2, He, and Your reflection
Moths, Tears, Midnight Gardening
Fisher Man and His Fishes
Neptune Romance, Yesterday is Tomorrow Land

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