Evan Fusco is a Chicago based interdisciplinary artist who is using sculpture, writing, and the lecture-performance format to think through meaning making systems and the harm of concrete designations. They have shown work in varying contexts such as in student shows, digital spaces, zine fairs, and independent art spaces. They have performed in multiple SKNDLSS runway performance shows, curated seven group exhibitions, and have a publishing practice under the name CATACHRESIS. Recently they tabled the Chicago Art Book Fair, were in a group show entitled (dis)comfort zones Underrepresentation and Invisibility in the Institution: An Art Exhibition and Symposium at Carroll University in Waukesha, WI, as well as in the group as well as in the group show Trans Art Is: Love and Liberation as a part of the Chicago Therapy Collective’s Trans Art Is: series.
My practice concerns itself with intersections of meaning making structures embedded within the relations between objects, bodies, and the ways language works as the dominating mode within those systems. The work oscillates between a poetic-theoretical writing practice, sculptural objects interested in the space of the floor, and a lecture-performance practice which engages with the theories and politics that float around the work. A self-referential book deconstructing words and crafting tangents away, a bookshelf that becomes stairs just to function as a bookshelf, a pile of rocks marking an absent body, painted planes which create new floors, and ramps that deny a getting up. Through considering constitutions of identity positions in relation to our body’s movement through constructed spaces I interrogate spaces where opaque being coalesces. Objects deny forthright interaction even as they craft sentences with one another, and language maps inconsistent and tangential lines out into the world that the objects always yell out for. Meaning is not an end point, but a beginning to an engagement. How we come to understand is just as important as what we understand.