Lucia Gonzalez’s paintings expand the languages of contemporary painting and drawing by playing with roles that each character positions themselves, in regards to contemporary culture and human behavior. Aspects that are forgotten, buried, discarded or disregarded.
The artist’s paintings give shape to an imaginative world akin to those of earlier Romantic and Surrealist visionaries, with a cast of figures drawn from the imaginative, cinema, modern-day politics and from her own biography alike. Though in her imagined world, each spiritual being struggles to co-exist within themselves, mankind and spiritual life always maintains the upper hand, even when mankind’s avarice threatens everything else.
The artist’s paintings embody either man’s tragic folly or nature’s wisdom and life force. Gonzalez’s dexterity with painting allows each object and figure, despite its origins, to possess an alarming, talismanic potency and an ironic simplicity.