“흔적” stands for ‘what remains as a mark or trace, proving that __________ has existed.’

“Proof” gives a clue for certain truth, past moments, or an idea that may or may not be real.

흔적 and Proof, Mixed media and hanji paper. 2020
(Image courtesy of Hyunhee Doh)
흔적 and Proof, Mixed media and hanji paper. 2020
(Image courtesy of Hyunhee Doh)
흔적 and Proof, Mixed media and hanji paper. 2020
(Image courtesy of Hyunhee Doh)
흔적 and Proof, Mixed media and hanji paper. 2020
(Image courtesy of Hyunhee Doh)
흔적 and Proof, Mixed media and hanji paper. 2020
(Image courtesy of Hyunhee Doh)