SAIC’s Office of Marketing and Communications creates and implements the School’s press strategy and oversees media outreach efforts. This policy exists to help ensure that information disclosed on behalf of SAIC to the media is timely, accurate, authoritative, and reflects the School’s strategic interests. SAIC has many voices and wishes to empower them in the right channels, at the right time, and in ways that maximize the positive impact of our outreach. In order to accomplish this, we must speak with one voice to members of the media, carefully orchestrating all press contact through the Office of Marketing and Communications. Violation of these guidelines will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

For the purpose of this policy, “news media” refers to newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online publications, student media (including F Newsmagazine), and broadcast outlets such as radio, television, and podcasts.

This policy applies to all SAIC faculty, staff, and administrators interacting with news media representatives. This policy does not apply to or prohibit faculty or staff contacts with the media pertaining to wages, hours, working conditions, or other matters protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

For more information, please read SAIC’s Media Relations Policy on the Intranet.

Proactive Media Relations
If SAIC faculty, staff, or administrators are interested in reaching out to media for a program, event, or achievement, they should contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at Marketing and Communications has access to nationwide news media contacts and will work with faculty, staff, and administrators to coordinate publicity or visibility for programs, events, or newsworthy issues.

Reactive Media Relations/Interview Requests
The Office of Marketing and Communications is the only department authorized to pursue media contact in the name of, as a representative of, or on behalf of the School. At first contact with representatives of the media, SAIC faculty and staff should direct all inquiries to Marketing and Communications before speaking in the name of, as a representative of, or on behalf of the School. Marketing and Communications will assess requests and determine next steps.

If contacted by media, please use the following talking point upon first contact:

Thank you so much for your outreach. Rowan Beaird, director of communications, is the right person to contact for your matter. Please contact Rowan at or 312.499.4217.

In the Event of an Emergency
In the event of an emergency on SAIC’s campus, all press releases and statements to the news media will be routed through, approved by, and disseminated by the Office of Marketing and Communications (or a designee). SAIC complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding the retention and release of personal and/or educational records of all current faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Under no circumstances should information pertaining to a case that is in litigation be discussed publicly without the prior approval of the Office of General Counsel.

Media Filming and Photography on SAIC’s Campus
Marketing and Communications must review and approve all external requests to capture footage on SAIC’s campus. Marketing and Communications oversees the negotiation of location agreements and works in partnership with Campus Security and other departments to determine security and additional logistical needs. For details, please review SAIC’s filming policy on this page or on SAIC’s Intranet.

While on SAIC property, media representatives should, if necessary and appropriate, be accompanied by a staff member from the School’s Office of Marketing and Communications or a staff member designated by the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Employees Must Receive Authorization to Represent SAIC in Outside Activities (Personal Activities)
SAIC encourages faculty and staff to explore their personal interests, including opportunities for individual community engagement and political expression, outside of their employment. However, unless a faculty or staff member has received prior written approval from the Vice President of the Office of Marketing and Communication to represent the School in those outside activities, the faculty or staff member must make every effort to make clear that they are not speaking or acting on behalf of SAIC in those activities.

In general, when faculty or staff members pursue their personal interests outside of their employment, they should (i) refrain from using their job title or other institutional affiliation when stating their personal views, including but not limited to political positions, or (ii) if their institutional affiliation with the School is identified, then include a disclaimer that the views they express are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of SAIC.

If a faculty or staff member seeks to represent SAIC in a personal activity that is outside their employment, the faculty or staff member must first consult with their supervisor or department head. If the supervisor is supportive of the faculty or staff member’s request, the faculty or staff member must then seek the review and approval of the Vice President of the Office of Marketing and Communications. After evaluating the request, the Vice President of the Office of Marketing and Communications will confer with SAIC’s leadership, as appropriate, and respond to the faculty or staff member in writing indicating whether approval is granted. A faculty or staff member cannot purport to represent the School in any activity outside the scope of employment without the prior written approval of the Vice President of the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Media Training and Additional Information
SAIC’s Office of Marketing and Communications has many tools and resources available to help engage with media, including access to media training expertise. For additional information, support, and resources for working with the press, contact Rowan Beaird, director of communications at or 312.499.4217.

Rowan Beaird
Director, Communications
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Marketing and Communications
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Filming Policy

The following guidelines relate directly to filming on any of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s (SAIC) grounds, interior and exterior. The scope includes filming of any locations, buildings both interior and exterior, exhibitions, artworks, artifacts, personnel, and any other parts of SAIC. Filming and photography includes both still and motion footage and filming in any recognizable form.

The guidelines detailed in this document apply to all intended productions at SAIC, including:

  • Movie productions
  • Television productions
  • Music videos
  • Documentaries
  • Still photography
  • Any film or video productions created for advertising or promotional use

Statement of Intent
A statement of intent must be received by SAIC’s Department of Marketing and Communications at least seven business days prior to the commencement of any shooting. The statement should include as much relevant information as possible, including the date, times and location requested; crew, talent and vehicle numbers; the intended audience for the film or photographs; if SAIC will be represented and how; and other pertinent information and/or particular requests. The statement of intent should be emailed to, and will be reviewed by Marketing and Communications staff.

Certificate of Liability Insurance
A Certificate of Insurance (COI), naming SAIC, its officers, employees and agents as additional insured, providing comprehensive general liability insurance, including personal injury and property damage, as listed below:

  • Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence bodily injury and property damage; $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury, $1,000,000 products and completed operations aggregate; $1,000,000 general aggregate;
  • Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions): $1,000,000 per claim, and $1,000,000 annual aggregate;
  • Workers Compensation: Coverage as required by law; and
  • Employer’s liability: $500,000 bodily injury by accident; $500,000 Disease-Each Employee; $500,000 Disease Aggregate.

The completed COI shall be submitted to Marketing and Communications at least five business days before the shoot. Additionally, the COI shall state that the coverage provided therein shall be primary to any other coverage available to SAIC.

Filming Agreement
Filming at SAIC is subject to the terms set forth by the School as outlined in a filming agreement. The signed agreement must be submitted to Marketing and Communications at least five business days before the shoot.

Fees and Expenses
All location fees are due prior to the commencement of any shooting. There are no exceptions. Fees will be outlined in advance by Marketing and Communications.

Additional expenses (e.g., those incurred as a result of the necessary use of Campus Security) will be the responsibility of the requesting agency or production company. A final invoice will be sent upon completion of filming, and payment will be due within 60 days.

A setup fee may be charged in the event that extra time is required for the area to be prepared the day before the shoot.

Certain locations, such as the MacLean Ballroom, may require an additional booking fee.

A fee equal to 1/3 of the day’s location fee will be charged if the cancellation occurs after an agreement has been signed.

Additional Information
Requests for use of trademarked symbols for licensing purposes, sweatshirts, t-shirts, pennants, etc. for use as costumes for characters or as set dressing, should be directed to Sarah Gardner, Director of Marketing, 312.499.4218 or

All scripts that include references to SAIC must be approved by the Vice President of Marketing & Communications. No mention is to be made of, or recognition given to, SAIC unless specifically authorized.

The School will encourage the use of SAIC students as extras, as appropriate and necessary.

Productions such as educational documentaries that feature or promote SAIC, local or national news crews and news productions that feature or promote SAIC, advertising that promotes SAIC, and filming by current SAIC students for the purpose of their academic work are exempt from some of the guidelines.

Current students who are looking to film at SAIC as part of their classwork at SAIC must reach out to the Dean of Graduate Studies or the Dean of Undergraduate Studies for permission and coordination.

Rowan Beaird
Director, Communications
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Marketing and Communications
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Branding & Advertising Policy

A common identity reinforces School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) Core Values. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that as we tell our individual departmental stories, a collective SAIC story is revealed, unmistakably recognizable and advancing SAIC’s unparalleled reputation of influence and impact.

These guidelines and policies were developed to aid members of the SAIC community as they communicate on behalf of the School, while offering flexibility for departments and programs to tell their own stories. As you create and communicate via brochures, posters, flyers, signage, emails, social media, and more, these guidelines will help you connect your story to the collective SAIC identity.

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s brand and adherence to its components and guidelines will ensure consistency and recognition of the brand. Recognition of SAIC’s brand benefits each of its academic departments, programs, and key segments independently and promotes a strong brand identity. Whenever an unapproved logo is used or an approved logo is changed or altered in any way, it dilutes SAIC’s identity. This policy defines the rules and procedures set forth by the Vice President of Marketing & Communications for the use of the brand by all departments, divisions, and business units on campus.

Branding for SAIC Marketing

  1. Marketing activities and advertising materials created by SAIC divisions, departments, business units or any programs representing themselves to be a part or belong to the School must adhere to and be designed according to the SAIC Brand Guidelines.
  2. SAIC divisions, departments, business units, and activities or any program representing themselves to be a part or belong to SAIC must adhere to the official logo usage guidelines in accordance to SAIC Brand Guidelines.
  3. Marketing activities and advertising materials created by divisions, departments or business units of the School must contain a School-approved logo in the School-approved format. School-approved logos can only be created by the Office of Marketing & Communications.

Review and Approval
All marketing materials must comply with the brand review process as outlined below. This review process also includes the use of the SAIC logo on any merchandise, swag, advertising, sponsorship, fundraising, or any external-facing material. The Vice President of Marketing & Communications has designated members of the department to review and approve all advertising.

Please follow these steps to ensure a quick brand review experience:

  1. Read the guidelines on logo usage and send questions to SAIC’s Office of Marketing & Communications at
  2. We recommend that you send your materials to the Office of Marketing & Communications at least 5 business days before you intend on using or implementing in case feedback is provided that may alter the design.
  3. Do not distribute any materials until official written approval is given by the Office of Marketing and Communications. If feedback or changes are provided, these must be completed and resubmitted for approval.

Approvals will be valid for 12 months and resubmission, review, and approval will be required again after that time. If the content of the originally approved submission is modified in any way before the 12 month approval expires, it will require a new approval.

It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that he/she obtains proper permissions for photos, artwork, images, font licenses, external logos, or intellectual property of a third party or that does not belong to SAIC.

In addition to the branding guidelines and logo usage, the brand review team will also look for:

  • Design flaws (e.g. blurry/low-resolution images, disproportion, etc.)
  • Solicitation of funds. Any communication that infer monetary exchange is not allowed.
  • Any material containing the President’s image must be reviewed by the Vice President of the Office of Marketing & Communications or Office of the President.

Any department not adhering to branding policy will be asked to remove the logo or materials from usage.

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago name, logos, marks, and other branding elements cannot be used in the promotion of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or firearms/firecrackers.

No third-party SAIC merchandise may be sold for profit. School-approved merchandise sold on-campus and online can only be created by the Office of Marketing & Communications.

Student Groups
Use of an altered SAIC logo/square for a student group visual identity is prohibited. The horizontal external SAIC logo can be placed on student group off-campus event materials abiding by logo guidelines. It should not appear on internal, on-campus materials.

Official SAIC Approved Logo Request
Any divisions, departments, or business units of the School that need a new logo or would like a change to an existing logo must consult and obtain approval from the Office of Marketing & Communications at

Office of Marketing & Communications
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Photography & Video Requests

The Office of Marketing and Communications offers photography and video production support to help advance the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s reputation, visibility, and impact.

SAIC staff and faculty may submit requests for photography and video for promotional-marketing purposes to the Office of Marketing and Communications by contacting

Requests will be considered based on availability and intended use of the requested photos/video. In order to support our mission of enhancing SAIC’s visibility and reputation, video and photo projects managed by the Office of Marketing and Communications must align with the School’s marketing, branding, fundraising, and enrollment goals. After reviewing your request, you will be contacted by Sarah Gardner, Director of Marketing, to talk about your goals, needs, and broader promotional strategy.

Photos needed for documentation and archival purposes, as well as lecture capture requests must be made through IRFM’s Academic Media Production team by emailing

Please note:

  • Requests must be made two weeks in advance.
  • For headshots, a photographer will be available the first Wednesday of each month. Please sign up for this open headshot day at least two days in advance by contacting the Office of Marketing and Communications with your preferred time.
  • All videos are intended to be posted online. For ADA compliance, all videos must be captioned, which the Office of Marketing and Communications will coordinate. Departments are responsible for paying for the captioning fee.

To request a photographer for your event, exhibition, or project you have three options:

  1. SAIC Photographer – Dependent upon the availability and capacity of Marketing and Communications staff.
  2. Freelance Photographer – If we are unable to support your request, the Office of Marketing and Communications can assist you in scheduling a recommended freelance photographer. You will be responsible for any charges billed by external photographers.
  3. We can provide tips to take your own photos. This is recommended if the primary use is social media.

Questions? Contact

Managing SAIC-Affiliated Academic and Administrative Social Media Pages

Getting Started, Guidelines, and Best Practices

Social media provides the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and its departments the opportunity to share information and engage in new ways with the SAIC community and members of the public. With the vast majority of our community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents, using at least one social media network, it is vital to understand guidelines and best practices while posting on behalf of the school.

This document provides guidelines and best practices for staff, faculty, and students who are managing social media networks on behalf of SAIC’s academic or administrative departments, or registered student organizations. Before you create a social media account on behalf of the School, any of its departments, or a registered student organization please read through this document and reach out to with questions.

Central SAIC Social Media Accounts

These channels share news about students, faculty, and alumni accomplishments; SAIC events; student and alumni artwork; institutional initiatives; news from the broader art and design world; and more. Sharing your news, events, and photos on SAIC’s central accounts can be an effective way to amplify your message to thousands of followers. Email your ideas for social media posts to and a member of the team will follow up with you.

Getting Started

Should you start an SAIC-affiliated social media channel?

Before you start a social media account, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What does my department, program, or group hope to accomplish through social media?
  • Is my purpose broader than promoting one event or publicizing one piece of information?
  • Is my target demographic on social media?
  • Do I have fresh content to post consistently (1-2 posts/day) or do I have an initiative that would benefit more from promotion on central accounts?
  • Do I have time to monitor and engage with my audience and commenters daily?

If you answered “no” to these questions, it is likely most beneficial to promote your initiative through one of the central SAIC accounts or through other communications channels. Please contact so we can help.

If you answered “yes” to these questions, it may make sense to create your own social channel.

How do I start?

Decide which social media platform(s) best fit your goals. Concentrate your efforts on one platform before expanding your presence. Each channel offers unique ways to share content and interact with followers:>

  • Facebook: engage with followers, post events, share photo albums and news, create closed groups
  • Twitter: share timely news updates and announcements, answer questions, post single images
  • Instagram: feature single compelling images, short copy

Check that no one else has already created an account.

Create your account(s).
Create a handle and update the “about” section to communicate what your account is about and that it’s affiliated with SAIC. For example, Campus Life at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Read the “about” sections of SAIC’s central channels (noted above) to borrow copy. We recommend using the following naming convention: SAIC [Department/Affiliated Organization].

Let SAIC Marketing and Communications know about your account.
Email with the following information:

  • Links to your new social media accounts
  • Account administrator’s name, email, and phone number
  • Supervisor of the account administrator’s name, email, and phone number

Follow SAIC’s central social media accounts.
Doing so will make shares and retweets between accounts easier.

Determine how you will measure analytics.
Will you track “likes” and number of followers? Retweets and shares? Tracking analytics will help you understand which content resonates with your audience and inform your strategy.

Let people know about your account.
First, post content for several days prior to spreading the word so potential followers get a feel for your content. Cross-promote your social media presence in other channels/materials to drive traffic, and follow other accounts.

Managing Your Account

Any social media account representing the School’s academic or administrative departments or registered student groups should support SAIC’s core values. If you need help organizing your content, creating a content calendar, or determining your overall strategy, please reach out to

Account Administrators

Social media accounts representing SAIC’s academic or administrative departments or registered student organizations must have two or more administrators. Please provide account administrator names to SAIC’s social media team at so we can keep the database of SAIC social media accounts up to date.

When an account administrator leaves their role or the School, the new administrator(s) must change the password, update page administrators on the social channel, and inform SAIC’s social media team at to ensure accurate contact information.

Reach Out When You Need Assistance

If you come across a post that prompts concerns about health, safety, or security, contact Campus Security immediately at 312-629-1668 or

If you are contacted by a member of the media about a post or comment on social media, please contact Rowan Beaird, director of communications,

If you come across a post and you are unsure how to respond or if you are unsure if a post is appropriate, ask SAIC’s social media team for assistance at


Sharing SAIC News

You are encouraged to repost and share information that is available to the public (media stories, press releases, etc.). When sharing information that is not a matter of public record, please follow the below guidelines. Please note, all state and federal laws, and SAIC policies apply when using social media tools. These include, but are not limited to:

Maintain Privacy and Confidentiality

Do not post confidential or proprietary information about SAIC, its students, its alumni, or employees. Do not discuss a situation involving named or pictured individuals on a social media site without their permission. As a guideline, do not post anything that you would not present in a classroom or public forum. Use good ethical judgment and follow School policies and federal requirements, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policy.

Be Professional

Remember that administrative, academic, and registered student group social media accounts represent SAIC. Be professional, use good judgement, common sense, and discretion. Page administrators are speaking on behalf of the School and not in their personal capacities. Please refrain from posting content and liking or following accounts that reflect personal interests and/or that may be in conflict with SAIC’s mission and core values. Respect the School’s reputation when you post. While social media channels are informal by nature, remember that we represent excellence in higher education, so pay attention to grammar and spelling.

Be Responsible

What you post is ultimately your responsibility. You are also responsible for complying with the Terms of Service (TOS) for the social media site. If you are participating in social media on behalf of SAIC, be sure to abide by these guidelines.

Be Timely

Assign an administrator who can regularly monitor postings and content. Aim for standard times for postings and updates. The recommended minimum frequency is two to three times a week. Be sure not to overload your updates. Followers will stop paying attention if you overload them with information.

Be Transparent

If you participate in or maintain a social media site on behalf of the School, clearly state your role and goals. Keep in mind that if you are posting with an SAIC username, other users do not know you personally. They view what you post as coming from the School, and what you say directly reflects on SAIC. Discuss with your supervisor the circumstances in which you are empowered to respond directly to users and when you may need approval.

Be Accurate and Correct Mistakes

Have the correct information about programs and events before you post. t’s better to verify information with a source first than to have to post a correction or retraction later. If you are referencing or quoting sources, cite and link to them. If you make an error, acknowledge and correct it as quickly as possible. ou may choose to modify your earlier post—just make it clear that you have done so.

Engage with your Audience

Social media is all about engagement and interaction with your audience. Try to encourage conversation and respond to comments you receive. While it’s important to share your department or organization’s news and events, it’s also valuable to discuss broader topics that are of interest to your audience. Share information and articles, and participate in conversations others initiate.

Aim for Quality over Quantity

When posting on behalf of SAIC’s academic or administrative departments or a registered student group, aim for quality posts and engagement over the quantity of posts.

  • Add value by contributing observations and experiences related to topics that are relevant to your audience and cite your sources.
  • Think about what you want to say before you post your comments. Make your content rich and interesting for others to read and share.

Guidelines for Posting Photographs, Videos, and Artwork

As an art and design school, posting photos and videos is particularly important. If you’re posting multiple images from an event, be sure they are taken from diverse points of view and are of varied content. Please follow these guidelines:

  • Photos must be appropriate
  • Give appropriate image credits
  • Photos of children should not be posted without written consent from parents or guardians

Fundraising and Solicitation

SAIC’s Office of Institutional Advancement is the only agency authorized to seek gift support using the School’s name. All solicitations and fundraising efforts by any method, including through social media sites, must be coordinated with SAIC’s Office of Advancement. Please reach out to a href=””> with any questions.

Removing Content

When necessary, SAIC’s Marketing and Communications team and page administrators reserve the right to remove content or comments in accordance with these social media guidelines for the safety and security of our audiences. Posts and comments may be removed for any of the following reasons, at any time:

  • The use of obscene, threatening, disparaging, discriminatory, abusive, and/or harassing language, including content that violates SAIC policy or federal or state law
  • Factually erroneous/libelous statements
  • Exposing the private data of others
  • Disclosure of information that is confidential by law or regulation
  • Comments advocating illegal activity
  • Posts violating copyrights or trademarks
  • Advertisement or promotion of commercial products, services, entities, or individuals
  • Endorsement or opposition of any person campaigning for election to a political office or promoting or opposing any ballot proposal
  • Duplicative comments by the same user or multiple users. In the case of identical comments only the first submission will be approved.