Curator Rachael Rakes in person

Featuring works by Chick Strand, Tracey Moffatt, Yael Bartana and Jumana Manna, this program explores the subtleties of power relations and gender dynamics in observational film and media art. The artists turn their cameras on men, addressing and reversing conventional hierarchies, while also placing various manifestations of masculinity under experimental, quasi-anthropological study. In an introduction and post-screening discussion, curator Rachael Rakes will discuss these works in light of contemporary alternative ethnographies and consider masculinity as a construct in nonfiction artmaking.
1976-2010, various artists, multiple countries, multiple formats, ca 82 minutes followed by discussion
Rachael Rakes is the head curator and manager of the Curatorial Programme at De Appel in Amsterdam. She is also editor at large for Verso Books and programmer at large for the Film Society of Lincoln Center, where she co-curates the annual nonfiction-as-art festival Art of the Real. Rakes has recently contributed criticism to Art Agenda, Artforum, Village Voice, and Ocula, among other publications and catalogs, and has independently organized exhibitions and programs for A.I.R. Gallery, New York; ArtCenter/South Florida, Miami Beach, Florida; Centre Pompidou, Paris; The Knockdown Center, New York; International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York; Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden; and Tabakalera, San Sebastian, Spain. Her research focuses on the political and documentary potential of abstract aesthetics, maps that are not maps, and the question of whether ethnographic art can be salvaged from the legacies of colonialism and modernism.