Ali Kushner

When it comes to design, my main goal is to form a deeper connection with the materials and the audience. I seek to better understand the effects of a fabric or medium, as well as the needs of the people I’m working with in order to create a meaningful piece. It’s because of this that textile exploration and interaction are so important to me.

Textiles have a great impact not just on the creation of a collection, but on the environment during production and after disposal. By paying attention to how we use and reuse materials, one can create unique pieces while also being mindful of this impact. Within my own practice, I love to work with natural dyes, recycled materials, and transformational processes. Most recently I’ve been repurposing scraps into patchwork textiles and hand-spun yarns, which fuels my material stash and creative process.

Communication and collaboration are also central to my design process. When I create a garment, I want the person wearing it to feel heard throughout the piece’s progression. I aim to accommodate all body types and needs with my garments, preferring to work on a one-on-one basis with clients.