My first professional job was editing a commercial for the cross cultural Advertising Agency Paco Collective. I found through completing Sizzle reels and working as one of only two editors that I quite enjoyed the practice. I was often lauded for my ability in creating edited video projects. I decided to combine this with my passion for Cinema and began creating a series of works which merged together various types of film. My enjoyment has only continued to grow over the years. I have worked in multiple different genres. I made a short documentary which was presented in an exhibit in the Field Museum. A 3D animation of my creation was presented at multiple film festivals. I have worked on a multitude of fields from Animation, Music, Video editing, writing and so on. I have potential opportunities working for companies such as Marvel and the digital film company, Framestore.

Sunken, 2016, 3D Animation
The Lost World, 2015, Film/Edited Video
The 660 Project, 2014, Edited Video
Cinemaphobia, 2017, Handmade film
Mummies Alive, 2012, Film
Sunken, 2016, 3D Animation
The 660 Project, 2014, Film
The Lost World, 2016, Edited Video
Cinemaphobia, 2017, Handmade Video
Mummies Alive, 2012, Documentary
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