Nancy Murphy Spicer’s current work explores visibility and co-constitution as redemptive, political acts. In a series of portraits entitled The New Brag paintings, she depicts individuals who are in a moment of being “full of one’s self” in the best possible way. A brag that is a bid for connection rather than competition.
Murphy Spicer’s practice has been based in Boston, Bristol and London, UK, Charlottesville, VA, and Chicago. Her work has been critically reviewed in numerous publications including The Boston Globe, New American Painting Blog, Sculpture Magazine, Art Papers, Art New England and Zitty Berlin. She has been awarded grants from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago Graduate Dean’s Scholarship, American Association of University Women, Artist’s Resource Trust, and Massachusetts Cultural Council. Murphy Spicer’s work is represented by Carroll and Sons Gallery in Boston and Page Bond Gallery in Richmond, VA, and is included in private collections in the US, the UK, Germany, and Japan. Murphy Spicer attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and in July 2018 she will complete her MFA at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In Fall 2018, Murphy Spicer will join the faculty of the Art Foundations Program at Virginia Commonwealth University.