Performance detail. Photo credit Maria Emilia Escudero
Wednesday May, 7:15 - 7:45 p.m., Friday May 4, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Sullivan Galleries
A maintenance station for salvaged objects, RMPUNSS (Repurposed Modular Percussive Units for Networked Surround Sound) is a space for things no one wants. Jenna Junk, the Keeper of the Things will perform What To Do With Things You Don’t Know What To Do With within RMPUNSS, a composition of collected, salvaged, and reconfigured objects.
Elements of the installation are played like instruments, producing sounds that otherwise would not be heard during normal gallery hours. The sound is produced by modified electronics and is changed based on analog touch and light sensors. Viewers are encouraged to walk around the installation and view the performance from various angles.
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