Sweet Water Foundation
Sullivan Galleries, 33 S. State St., 7th Floor
SAIC Alumni are invited to attend exhibitions and receptions along with current faculty, students, and colleagues during the weekend of September 18th to 20th. AIADO’s Alumni events on that Saturday, September 19, seek to provoke conversations about the future, of design and education.
Exhibition Tour of Outside Design
4:30–5:30 p.m.
Sullivan Galleries
33 S. State Street, 7th Floor
Take an in-depth tour of Outside Design with Jonathan Solomon, curator and Director of Architecture, Interior Architecture and Designed Objects at SAIC.
Outside Design is a collateral and collaborative event of the first Chicago Architecture Biennial, which explores the turn in art and design towards biotechnology and ecological systems. The show will bring together five practices — Analog Media Lab (Urbana-Champaign), Ants of the Prairie (Buffalo), The Living (New York), Species of Space (Chicago), and Sweet Water Foundation (Chicago) — organized as a series of laboratories installed across the galleries, engaged throughout the fall by students, faculty, and visiting artists and designers. This mode of collaborative experimentation and exchange will continuously transform the gallery space, resulting in new projects and installations and pushing the boundaries of disciplinarily.
Design Night Alumni Reception
5:30–6:30 p.m.
33 S. State Street, 7th Floor
This reception is an opportunity to learn about the growing role of design at SAIC, and to share thoughts on the future of design education. It will include remarks from the Director of the Department of Architecture, Interior Architecture and Designed Objects and from the three Alumni Chairs of the event: Brian Bailey (MDes 2012); Zurich Esposito (MSHP 1995); and Deidre Jordan (MFA 1992).
Procession: Decentering Design
6:30 p.m.
33 S. State Street, 7th Floor
Immediately following the reception, 2015-16 Mitchell Visiting Professor Eric Ellingsen will lead a walk as part of his practice in decentering design, taking us from the gallery to the school-wide SAIC Alumni Block Party at 609 S. State Street (7PM-10PM; a showcase of alumni music, food, beverages, and activations!)
See more Exhibition Events