Thursday, November 5, 2015, 4:15 - 6:00 p.m.
Sullivan Galleries, 33 S. State St., 7th Floor
This will be an evening of show & tell and conversation about our future economy driven by independent creatives. Hear stories by some of the 60+ individuals that transformed a 15,000 square foot meat packing plant into a creative center for 31 days as part of the Center for Lost Arts. Using 3D printers, drill presses, spray cans, tomato sauce, and sewing machines, the group created 3D printed bricks, pizza, a boat, and more.
For more information on Charles Adler and the Center for Lost Arts, visit: http://lostarts.co/ and http://charles-adler.com/
This program is presented in conjunction with the exhibition Outside Design, currently on view through December 19. Outside Design is a collateral event of the Chicago Architecture Biennial.
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