. Conversations at the Edge (CATE)

Falling Out of Time: New Documentaries from the Former Soviet Europe

Thursday, April 3, 6pm | Curators Oona Mosna and Jeremy Rigsby in person! Igor Strembitsky, Wayfarers (2005). Image courtesy of the artist. Once the home of state-sponsored social realism, the former Soviet Europe has given rise to a new breed of documentary, revising its realist tradition with the observational ambiguities and formal rigor more familiar […]

CameraLESS Films / Movies without Cameras

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 6pm | Curator Jodie Mack in person! Thorsten Fleisch, Kosmos (2004). Image courtesy of the artist. For over one hundred years, filmmakers have found ways to emancipate themselves from advanced photographic processes and make films without cameras—by drawing, painting, scratching, or adhering figures and objects directly onto filmstrips. Whether produced meticulously […]

Films by Gordon Matta-Clark

Thursday, March 13, 8pm | Jane Crawford in person! Gordon Matta-Clark, Eric Convents, and Roger Steylaerts, Office Baroque (1977). Renowned “anarchitect” Gordon Matta-Clark (1943–1978) sliced through the walls, floors, and facades of abandoned buildings, staged socially engaged street performances, and documented much of it in radical photographic collages, films, and videos. Matta-Clark’s films, writes curator […]


Thursday, March 6, 6pm | Anne Quirynen in person! Anne Quirynen, Interzone (2007). Image courtesy of the artist. Video artist and SAIC faculty member Anne Quirynen has long worked at the intersection of performance and the moving image, collaborating with the likes of choreographers William Forsythe, Thomas Hauert, and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker on videos, […]

Prisoners of War

Thursday, February 28, 8pm | Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi in person! Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi, Prisoners of War (1995). Image courtesy of the artists. Milan-based filmmakers Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi are renowned for their haunting archival films. Assembled from rare early 20th-century footage, the duo slow down and hand-tint […]

I Love Presets

Thursday, February 21, 2008, 6pm | Rob Ray, Jon Satrom, & Jason Soliday in person! As I Love Presets, Chicago-based sound and new media artists Rob Ray, Jon Satrom, and Jason Soliday do everything wrong the right way. The trio manipulates found sounds and animated GIFs on home-brewed equipment in spectacular live audio/video performances, breaking […]

Clandestinos! Mapping Cuba’s Digital Audiovisual Landscape

Thursday, February 14, 2008, 6pm | Cristina Venegas in person! In recent years, Cuba has witnessed an explosion of independent media, ushered in by a dynamic new generation of artists and filmmakers and the increasing availability of digital technologies. Presented as part of a month-long series of Cuban film and video at the Film Center, […]


Thursday, February 7, 2008, 6pm | Franziska Lamprecht & Hajoe Moderegger in person! eteam, 1.1 Acre Flat Screen (2002). Image courtesy of the artists. Since 2002, the German-born, New York-based duo eteam (Franziska Lamprecht and Hajoe Moderegger) has undertaken a series of witty land-use experiments on small tracts of land purchased through eBay in the […]

Zack Stiglicz: Posthumously Yours

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 6pm When noted Chicago filmmaker, painter, and SAIC faculty member Zack Stiglicz passed away this fall, he left behind a singular body of work. Originally trained as a political scientist, Stiglicz began a new career in art in the late 1980s. His richly textured films and videos weave together desire, violence, […]

At Sea

Thursday, November 29, 2007, 6pm | Peter Hutton in person! Renowned for his exquisitely photographed land- and cityscapes, Peter Hutton’s latest film is an epic story of the birth, life, and death of the modern container ship. Shot over a period of three years, At Sea opens on a hyper-modern South Korean shipyard, where supertankers […]

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