I have been deeply influenced by Eastern philosophy and religion. Direct visual expressions in film, photography, and painting have become the most intimate and ideal forms for me to communicate concepts of balance in Taoism, cause and effect in Buddhism, and Samsara. Film works such as World, and Dear Someone, and photographic series including Zero, and AI are independent forms of existences based on their own complete “personalities.” Instead of upfront critiques or singular answer to questions they provide holistic nonlinearity, just as in Buddhism. Open ending in Dear Someone and multiple selves in Zero series are manifestations of my reflections on Samsara, cycles of nature, and indirect approaches to individual and collective state of being.

Self-portrait, 2018, painting
Zero Series, 2017, photography
Zero Series, 2017, photography
Artificial Intelligence Series, 2017, photography
Artificial Intelligence Series, 2017, photography
Dear Someone, 2018, Film
World, 2017, Film
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