My work is an exploration of materials, surfaces, printing techniques, fabrication, and dis-play methods that integrates digital technologies in compositions that experiment with tactility and pres¬ence. I’m interested in the interpretative relationship between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional, and what happens in this simultaneously truncated and vast illusory space. Attention to the character and properties of the materials I work with, their plasticity, viscosity, granulari¬ty, rigidity, permanence, pattern, permeability, weight, brightness, refraction, reflection and suchlike, is at the heart of my work; morphological considerations propelling me in new directions. Through work in virtual environments, I have begun exploring the analogies present in digital 3d space and its translational representation of physical material properties; my work points to these micro and macro structural orders and these forms become performative. Between translations, the factuality, integrity, and essence of space and state become slippery; through manipulating such material language I poetically probe and describe.
microPoster, 2014 -- Present, Photography. Sample of an ongoing photoseries of geologic (rock) thin sections and saturated chemical crystals taken under high magnification and polarized light. These serve as a basis for much of my current and ongoing work.
Untitled, 2014, openFrameworks sketch. Still shot of an interactive piece; value/brightness value taken from a camera is interpreted via code resulting in directional lines akin to vector maps.
snowTrials, 2013 -14, Unity3D game. Undoubtably influenced by our neverending winters, this game features an infinitely generated mass of snowfall individually wrapped in video textures of snow crystals forming. The snow shapes fall in a radius overhead, which the player may attempt to outrun, sometimes bogged down by a rough snowdrifted landscape, and occasionally catapulted into the icy heavens.
Untitled/In-Process Still. 2014 -- Present, Unity 3D game. Still shot from piece in progress. This piece is loosely derivative of the microscope imagery i've been working with. Please look for it at the MFA show.
VacuumForms, 2014, Printed polystyrene panels, vacuum-formed to investigate the transition between the 2D and 3D. Strategically orchestrated to emphasize and de-emphasize pictorial features.