Performance week: March 7 – March 13

The Making of a Portrait

performance by Tony Sims featuring Lynn Hunter

Sharp gallery Performance Schedule: 6-7 PM

Monday, March 7: Tony Sims

Tuesday, March 8: Tony Sims

Wednesday, March 9: Lynn Hunter

Thursday, March 10: Closed

Friday, March 11: Lynn Hunter

Saturday, March 12: Tony Sims

Sunday, March 13: Tony Sims


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Featured Stills

Exhibition Narrative

The Making of a Portrait is a six-night performance series that investigates the atemporal nature of archives and documentation. Through atemporality, amplified through the quietness and stillness of images, one sees personal histories align, creating a unique opportunity to mourn the truths of the past, align ourselves with the present, and reclaim for the future. It is essential to examine this work counterintuitively, which decolonizes the interpretation of a subject’s history and that which is often examined as metanarratives in institutional belief. Meaning, it is essential to investigate history without words, for once history is transcribed through language, it becomes unjustifiable.

The Making of Portrait centers around seven images and creates an opportunity to examine these images as a contemplative experience. In other words, contemplation is communal and exists within a space between us and others. So images, seeming uncommunicative, speak subtle messages for those willing to engage. 

Photo Documentation




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SITE Sharp Gallery
37 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL, 60603

SITE 280 Gallery
280 S. Columbus Drive
Chicago, IL, 60603



Gallery Hours (during exhibitions)
Monday – Friday 11am – 6pm

Saturday 11am – 3pm
