Tough, Reliable, and Almost Cuddly


September 13 – October 13

SITE 280 Gallery


Contributing Artists

Marti Madaula Esquirol

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

This project was part of the 13th edition of Creadors EN RESiDÈNCiA (Artists IN RESIDENCE) at the schools of Barcelona, a pioneering programme in Spain aimed at bringing contemporary art to state secondary schools through direct, continuous contact between an artist and pupils. Artists are invited to conceive a work that they will produce together with a group of students. Over the academic year, these pupils take part in the conception and creation of the work.


The residence of Martí Madaula was developed in the Vapor del Fil public high school (Barcelona, Spain) with Marc Benedí, Amanda Contreras, Aleix Diez, Arlet Goberna, Roc Goberna, Valentina Güefia, Abril Hernández, Aitana Iborra, Gael López, Laia Malo, Oriol Manguan, Lucas Moya, Mateo Julián Neurohr, Alba Perpinyà, Diego Pizaña, Ariadna Ramírez, Juan David Salgado, Joan Salgado, Jordina Suarez, Luis Suarez (students) and Lara Delgado (teacher). It was curated and coordinated by the Association A Bao A Qu.


This program is promoted by Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB) and Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB). It was conceived with the cooperation of the Association A Bao A Qu.


September 13, 4:00-6:00 PM
280 Gallery

Space Suit Wikithon

October 9, 4:00-6:00 PM

Program statement from the SUGs/SITE archive:

“John M. Flaxman Library and SITE Galleries invite you to join us in creating content for Wikipedia with the purpose of sharing and expanding the reach of the unknown story of the seamstresses who created the space suits for the Apollo Mission. Everyone is invited! You don’t need any previous preparation, just your computer, curiosity about how Wikipedia works, and passion for supporting invisiblized labor!
This event is part of Tough, Reliable and Almost Cuddly, a solo exhibition currently at SITE Galleries by marti Madaula Esquirol. Marti worked witha group of students in Carcelona to commemorate the seamstresses who desgined the moon landing space suits. He has been in contact with the last two living seamstresses, Jean Wilson and Jo Thompson. The title of the exhibition is a quote by Neil Armstrong from when he was describing the space suits he and the other astronauts wore during the moon landing.”

Exhibition Material


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SITE Sharp Gallery
37 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL, 60603

SITE 280 Gallery
280 S. Columbus Drive
Chicago, IL, 60603



Gallery Hours (during exhibitions)

Monday – Friday: 12 pm – 6 pm

Saturdays and Sundays: Closed
