

December 8 – December 16

Gallery X



Fall 2016 Visible Side: Real Time SUGs class

Contributing Artists

Yuhao Lin, Farnaz Khosh Sirat, Joseph Mora, Sarita Garcia, Claire Jade Wong

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

In-Between gathers five students at SAIC navigating a cultural identity. In the form of self-aware narratives, artists challenge the notion of ethnic assimilation, locate themselves in a hybrid identity, and iterate the reality of straddling different cultures. This exhibition acts as a forum articulating the culturally diverse community at SAIC.


December, 8, 4:00-6:00 PM

Gallery X

Exhibition Material

SAIC’s student-run fnews Magazine covered Talking Points and the exhibition’s programming.

SUGs’ ‘Talking Points’ is Personal, Political, and Thankfully Unpredictable